One day in 1969,John Rendall and Anthony Burke saw a real live lion cub in a London department store window. Feeling that a lion should not be kept this way, they bought him and took him home to live in Rendall's basement. The lion, whom they named Christian, is said to have been an affectionate and extremely cooperative cat who even used a giant kitty litter box. Christian was pampered. He was brought on driver, strolls through the neighborhood, and even to restaurants. But when Christian grew to almost 200 pounds (90 kilograms), it was decided that he should be released into the wild. Christian was brought to Africa where he adapted to life in the wild and eventually became the leader of a group of lions. A year later, Rendall and Burke traveled to Africa to say goodbye. They were warned that Christian would not remember them. However, when Christian saw his old friends, he ran towards them, stood on his back legs, and joyfully gave each of them a long and loving embrace.