eachers Throughout my Life Teachers are sensational, I once would have said, when they totally love their jobs, and strive to help students expand their knowledge in a specific area. I once would have said that teachers are all alike, but now I believe that is a narrow point of view. The teachers I have had and the teachers whom I have encountered guide people differently, serve many different needs, and share knowledge to enhance the student’s understanding of ideas. Consider these varieties of teachers: 1. Convenience teachers. These are the teachers with whom, if we did not have a problem to a solution, then our paths would have never been crossed. These teachers are the ones that know how to deal with specific complications. Having gone through the same experiences or knowing a good deal about the subject, these teachers give advice on how to go about solving a problem so that the same mistake will not be made again. For example, when we are mentally stressed, psychologists are consulted to help solve the problem. Also, when students are having trouble with a particular area of study, they request a tutor for help. These teachers are good listeners, but rarely know the entire circumstances as well as the emotions that the student is experiencing at the time of the problem. These students do not give them an explanation to every little detail of their lives, but rather the little information that is necessary to figure out the problem. 2. Special-interest teachers. These teachers give facts to the student in order to show them how to learn the special areas that the student is interested in. For instance, Spanish teachers allow a student to comprehend the Spanish language, enabling the student to convert from English to Spanish. The student has a desire to learn this language; therefore, these teachers can make this possible by teaching them the right techniques. The connection between the teacher