A particularly notable discovery that came out of the Hawthorne experiments was the Hawthorne effect he discovery that production increases were due to the known presence of benign observers The researchers concern for and attention to the workers led the workers, who naturally wanted to be reciprocally nice, to increase production. This "effect" caused great confusion at first because the changing physical conditions (lighting, rest breaks, etc.) seemed to make no difference. Output just kept going up. Once they realized that the workers' perception of participation was the causal "vari able, the effects of the "effect" were understood.
Psychologist Abraham H.Maslow (1908-197o),s took the basic Hawthorne finding that workers are as much social as economic creatures a step further when he first proposed his famous hierar chy" in his 1943 Psychological Review article, "A Theory of Human Motivation, which is reprinted here.