the shoulder of choice will be the one on which the therapist's own head can control the tendency to turn When symmetry and control of the arms have been achieved in this manner, movements of the legs can be encouraged in rhythmical patterns. on Demands to stop and lie still help gain control of for the lower limbs. Impaired or absent head control the requires constant attention and can be slowly and steadily improved in activities that encourage side-to-side, forward and backward and rotational head movements. Moving sideways in circle' games and appreciating that water has weight and can beleant against encourage side-to-side head movements. "Bells"Bicycles"Eggs for breakfast arm Reach for the bar or Catching to will assist forward head control and control of the upper limbs. Turning or lateral rotational activities in the vertical and horizontal planes, such as"Space ships', tone Turning in the arms'Passing a ring or ball around the circle, Rolling from arm to arm' and, gag finally, moving around the circle independently treat will all demand head control, and 30 the poss obtains the necessary skill in controlling the body thro