Maximum mantle length 25mm.Mantle short and
dome-shaped; anteriorly fused to dorsal side of
head by a narrow (approximately 3 mm) band.
Fins oval. Arm suckers biserial; in females
suckers numerous, small throughout; males with
fewer suckers, enlarged on arms II to III and
to a lesser extent, on arms IV. Both dorsal
arms hectocotylized, thickened, with no
special structure; suckers small, widely spaced,
oral surface with transversely grooved ridges.
Club same diameter as tentacle stalk; suckers
minute, 13 to 16 suckers arranged in
transverse rows; swimming keel extending for a
short distance along stalk. Light organ roundish,
on ink sac in mantle cavity; in fresh specimens,
visible through mantle. Colour: with numerous
chromatophores; ventral mantle margin dark and
enci rcled by a si lvery i r idescent band,
approximately 5 mm wide, chromatophores
small, evenly peppered over this region. A neritic
species occurring on the continental shelf to a
depth of 200 m. Light organ excretes a luminous
cloud, instead of ink. Fisheries interest
undetermined. Found off southern Japan, the
Philippines, and the Great Australian Bight.
Maximum mantle length 25mm.Mantle short anddome-shaped; anteriorly fused to dorsal side ofhead by a narrow (approximately 3 mm) band.Fins oval. Arm suckers biserial; in femalessuckers numerous, small throughout; males withfewer suckers, enlarged on arms II to III andto a lesser extent, on arms IV. Both dorsalarms hectocotylized, thickened, with nospecial structure; suckers small, widely spaced,oral surface with transversely grooved ridges.Club same diameter as tentacle stalk; suckersminute, 13 to 16 suckers arranged intransverse rows; swimming keel extending for ashort distance along stalk. Light organ roundish,on ink sac in mantle cavity; in fresh specimens,visible through mantle. Colour: with numerouschromatophores; ventral mantle margin dark andenci rcled by a si lvery i r idescent band,approximately 5 mm wide, chromatophoressmall, evenly peppered over this region. A neriticspecies occurring on the continental shelf to adepth of 200 m. Light organ excretes a luminouscloud, instead of ink. Fisheries interestundetermined. Found off southern Japan, thePhilippines, and the Great Australian Bight.
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