Results and Discussion
The data on growth parameters i.e. plant height and
number of branches as influenced by GA3 and NAA
application at various growth stages are presented in
Fig 1 & 2. It is evident from the data that the plant
height and number of branches/plant increased
significantly with the increasing level of GA3 and NAA.
The maximum plant height was recorded as 85.3cm
and 82.3cm with the spray of GA3 @ 80 ppm and NAA
@ 100 ppm, respectively at 60 days after transplanting
(DAT). Similar trend was also noticed with the number
of branches per plant. This might be due to rapid increase
in cell division and cell elongation in the meristematic
region. These results are in conformity with those of
Gupta and Gupta (2000) and Rai et al., (2006). The
results presented in table 1 clearly show that fruiting
and yield parameters such as percent fruit set, number
of fruits/plant, average fruit weight, length of fruit, fruit
width and fruit yield/ha increased significantly with the
application of GA3 and NAA. It is due to the fact that
application of GA3 and NAA check the flowers and fruit
drop and ultimately increase the percent of fruit set.
These findings are in accordance with the work reported
by Meena, (2008).