development work on the PV/T technology has been conducted in the last more than 30 years with a gradual increase in the level of activities. Performance of hybrid PV/T systems has been studied both experimentally and numerically using either steady state or dynamic models. Nayak and Tiwari [9] predicted the performance of a PV/T collector integrated with a greenhouse by means of energy and exergy analysis and made an attempt to validate the developed thermal model with experimental values for a typical day for clear day conditions. Dubey et al. [10] derived the performance analytical expressions for N hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) air collectors connected in series. And the detailed performance evaluation of energy, exergy and electrical energy by varying the number of col-lectors and air velocity considering four weather conditions and five different cities of India has been carried out by considering two different cases. Sarhaddi et al. [11] gave a detailed energy and exergy analysis to calculate the thermal and electrical parameters, exergy components and exergy efficiency of a typical PV/T air col-lector, and improved the thermal model and electrical model of a PV/T air collector. In addition, a modified equation for the exergy efficiency of a PV/T air collector was obtained in terms of design and climatic parameters. Corbin and Zhai [12] developed an exper-imentally validated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model for a novel BIPV/T collector. Besides, they have investigated the effect of active heat recovery by a liquid cooled heat absorber on the