04 hack - Produce x100 - Produce all x100
05 hack - Always has water and power, just put on, and off when full. Just remember to put off before planting. Or Hoops Daisy will show
06 hack - Put a Free Manor House and sell it for 5.000.000 coins. - Enable, Open Market and find "Manor" put on farm and sell.
07 hack - Win 100,000 xp for putting hay wagon Free or Pool on farm and level up. - Enable, Open Market, find "Wagon" or "Pool" place on farm and level up
08 hack - Harvest instant chicken coop, wells and furnace. - Enable this and Harvest , Harvest
09 hack - Ask's and Post's will be ready in 5 minute for quests. - Enable, Send all gifts to your friends and Post´s.
10 hack - Harvest 1 Crop and others 100 times. - Harvest 1 crop and give 100 to feed your animals. Feed your animals and get multiple itens get Blue Mastery too!!!.
11 hack - Remove all Rocks and Wood. - Tired for asking peace's to remove all Rocks, just put On visit a neighbour and Go home. Voila !!!
12 hack - New Water 100 Pack - Enable and go to inventory and search Water30 and use. If you don´t have just enable first Cash to coins and buy.
13 hack - Will have 4690 codes in list, change to what you want to have.Copy codes same number and change it.
14 hack - Text Replacer just match some text and replace.
15 hack - AoB Replacer just put the codes and replace.
16 hack - Search in various sites for materials