How to use:
After installation, call the initSettings.exe and set the resolution to 1920x1080 and main monitor to the rift.
Set the rift to extended mode.
Start the game in VR by launching "SexyBPRVR.exe".
As the default mouse cursor is used in the main menus, you need to find the right spots where to click, until you have started the hscene.
If you position the cursor in the middle of the window, you can see the buttons hovering when moving the mouse up / down. Click on hscene and configure it.
The right spots in the hscene configuration are a bit different to find. Again, mousecursor in the middle of the window should be good to select a scene.
Mousecursor over the woman image should hit the selectionbox of womans. Starting the hscene is done by moving the cursor to the lower right corner and then moving it a few pixels back.