Issues related to reading skill can be handled both cognitively and affectively. In this study, the reading issue was
handled affectively. In this sense, the city center of Burdur became the population of the study. By inclining towards
the sample, composed of randomly selected primary and high school students, it was aimed to determine
the factors playing role on the motivation for reading in the eyes of students. To do this, a questionnaire was
developed by the researcher. Obtained data were analyzed by the SPSS statistical software. According to the findings,
such factors as teachers, family members, friends, books, environment and activities had a diagnostic effect
on students in terms of awakening their willingness to read. Another finding is that such factors were mostly
effective on primary schools students while less effective on high school students. In terms of gender, factors
except for activities and books became more effective on girls than boys. Hence, to lead students to read, books
should be given to students as presents by their teacher and parents, they should be good models for them,
children should be relied on and given autonomy if they are provided with books catching their interests and to
be supported in the process of choosing the right friends.