With reference to the Laws of Skill Development Department stated the company have to provide the people development to all employees are not less than 50% of total no. of employees in a year, if the company organize the people development less than 50%, the company have to pay contribution money (penalty) to the Skill Development Department 1% of total employee wage by counting from no. of employee who were not the training. In order to comply with this Laws of Skill Development Department, Corporate Group QA had set up the training matrix standardize in TST Group and would to official launch in early of July onwards, so I would like to invite all management to attend the meeting on Tuesday, 28th June, timing 09.00 - 12.00 pm. at BLC 1, Big meeting room.
The meeting agenda will be as follows :-
1. To be inform Training Matrix Standardize in TST Group
2. Training Matrix Plan in FY2016
3. Duration of implement each Training Matrix
4. Work process of each Training Matrix
5. Q & A