One of the most valuable elements of the SERVQUAL analysis is the ability to determine the relative importance of the five dimensions in influencing patients’ overall quality perceptions as shown in Table VIII.
For this analysis, the authors took into consideration only the five dimensions of the SERVQUAL analysis for comparative study with the findings of the study by Parasuraman et al., also known as the PZB findings (Zeithaml et al., 1992).
A striking result is that the highest (24.1 per cent) in the assurance dimension is the most relative importance of the SERVQUAL scores. This is higher than PZB findings (Zeithaml et al., 1992) of 19 per cent for other service organisations (retail banking, credit card, securities brokerages and product repair and maintenance). Responsiveness is the second most important dimension closely followed by reliability.
The lowest (16.1 per cent) in the tangibility dimension is the least important, relatively, of the SERVQUAL scores. This is higher than the PZB findings of 11 per cent for other service organisations.
For comparison, the PZB findings for service industries show that