Recent advances in computer technology and electronic communication networks allow for a form of social interaction that was previously unavailable. The boundaryless nature of cyberspace has resulted in a new dimension to our lives—the “virtual” environment. The definition of virtual is “begin in essence or effect, but not in fact. “ A more concise definition is “almost.” One application of the electronic communication technology virtual teams. According to Avoliotetal. (2001), virtual teams have several defining characteristics. First, communication among team members primarily takes place electronically. The electronic communication processes use multiple communication channels, which may include text, graphic, audio, and video communication. As Axtell, Fleck, and Turner (2004) reported, recent advances in electronic-based communication (such as instant messaging system) have further encouraged the use of virtual teams. Second, the team members are usually dispersed geographically. They may be in different cities, nations oreven continents. Itis not unusual for the members of a virtual team to never meet face to face. Third, virtual team members may interact synchronously or asynchronously.