. A spurious relationship between two variables exists if two variables are
accidentally related or are related due to a "third variable." In the context of the
Frank and Gilovich study, a spurious relationship between color of the
uniform and number (or time) of penalties would be present, for example, if a
third factor was identified that varied that with black and nonblack uniforms and was
actually responsible for the difference in penalty records between teams
wearing black and nonblack uniforms. The authors discussed such a variable.
What do you think that variable might be? That is, can you think of a reason that
an association between color (black/nonblack) and aggressiveness might be
found that is not related to self- or social-perception of players wearing black?
HINT: Keep in mind that professional teams are controlled by the owners or
management. [NOTE: This is a difficult question and do not be frustrated if you
are not able to identify a possible third variable. Our goal in asking it is to
demonstrate how difficult it sometimes is to identify spurious relationships. Give
the question some thought and then look up the answer in the appendix and
decide if you think the variable Frank and Gilovich identified in their article is a
plausible alternative for their results.]