Tueng Tueng
Food supplement for women
The physical structure of the breast are porous like lotus pod. When age increases, muscle strength and the structure is gradually decreased as age increased.
The causes of breast sagging
1. Age
2. Size of the breast
3. Ever had children and ิreastfeeding
4. Attention much of breast care
5. Ovariectomized or menopause
1. Stimulate to the new cells are created more than dead cells
2. Maintenance the flesh
3. Helps blood circulation to breast feed
4. Stimulate the base tissues of the breast to be strong base
Characteristic function
1. Stimulate to the new cells are created more than dead cells. Make the flesh completely, with emphasis on breast.
2. Help circulatory system efficiently. When the breast is circulatory very well, it affect to generated more new cells.
3. the base of breast tissue is important to support the breast. When you taking teung teung, it will stimulate the breast base expanded and also makes the tissue near the base of the breast stronger. It also gives the tendons acting onto breast stronger and lifting the breast within 2 weeks.
- Take twice a day
- Take two capsules after breakfast and before going to bed