.2. Human risk
The output of the risk assessment was relative risk estimates for
Danish produced and imported broiler meat. Three main outputs
were generated; 1) the relative risk from each product category; for
direct comparison of the risk from a random sample of Danish produced
broiler meat or imported meat, (Fig. 3), 2) the relative risk
stratified by the proportion of broiler meat available for sale, for comparison
of the overall risk from Danish produced broiler meat and
imported meat (Fig. 4), and 3) the relative risk in total from broiler
meat available for sale in Denmark (Fig. 5). From Fig. 3, it is seen
that the risk from imported meat (chilled and frozen) in the major
part of the study period was higher compared to Danish produced
meat. Fig. 4 illustrates how the overall risk from Danish produced
meat increases, resulting in very similar risk estimates for Danish
and imported meat, as a consequence of including the proportion of
meat available for the consumer. As seen from Figs. 3 and 4, the
risk fluctuated in the study period for all the meat categories. Note
the decrease in risk from imported chilled meat since 2005 and the
decrease 2005–2008 followed by an increase in risk 2008–2010
from Danish produced chilled meat. The risk from Danish produced
meat surpassed the risk from imported meat between 2008 and
2009. Furthermore, the risk from Danish frozen meat increased during
the study period while the risk from the imported frozen meat
remained fairly steady. The risk from frozen meat, however, was
lower than the risk from chilled meat.