To score peer feedback the number of corrections and the number of general comments received by peers for each student’s first version of
an essay were added. Following Gennip et al.’s (2009) interaction parameters about peer feedback, with respect to directionality, peer
feedback was reciprocal, as peers worked in pairs to assess each other. With regard to privacy, peer feedback was public and with regard to
contact, it was provided either face to face by students during class time or at a distance through remote access to peers’ e-portfolios.
Peer feedback comments were assessed and classified in two categories: simple and constructive feedback, as shown in Fig. 2. Simple
feedback is defined and operationalized as follows: “providing a general comment and identifying one or two mistakes in a peer’s essay OR
providing a positive comment and a reason explaining the comment”. Constructive feedback is defined and operationalized as follows:
“providing a positive comment and three or more suggestions for improvement”.