On 24 June 1947 A US pilot called Kenneth Arnold Looked out of the window of his plane and saw nine sliver objects flying close together.they were moving very quickly, Kenneth guessed that their speed was más than 1600 kilometers an hora .He told journalists that the objects did not mover like planes ,but like saucers mover when someone throws them across the surface of the water. later,one of the journalists called the objects "flying saucers"
This was the first time The expression"flying saucer" was used ,but people have been seeing unidentified flying objects UFOs in the sky for centuries.For example, in the thirteenth century some English farmers saw a flight sliver object in the sky .This is surprising because in those days ,there were no planes o weather balloons o el espacio stations that could be mistaken for UFOs.
Today,many Of UFOs turn out to be something quite ordinary . One evening in February 2001 ,eight colored lights appeared in the sky above
Kuala Lumpur ,In Malaysia.The lights seemed to float for ten minutos before moving off and disappearing .Many people thought they were UFOs , They turned out to be good luck lanterns that had been released from a temple.
Most UFOs can be explained like this .However there are many that can't.surveys mostrar that at least of us believe intelligent life exists .