B. Anaerobic Digestion of Sewage Sludge
The anaerobic digestion of sludge from the treatment plant
by natural lagoon is performed using a substrate concentration
of 100 g/L. The evolution of the volume of biogas formed and
degradation of the organic load of the sludge are exposed in
Fig. 5. We note a production of biogas from the 2nd day of
anaerobic digestion and this is the very necessarily in that
biodegradable sludge character. We also note that the sludge
treatment plants are more productive in the landfill biogas.
This is evidenced by the volume of biogas produced during
each experiment. The anaerobic digestion degrades the
organic matter in the sludge produced efficiently a flammable
biogas. Thus, the more sludge is loaded with organic matter;the more methane will be effective.