Second, one step in the process of prime ministerialisation involves mandatory
training programmes for provincial governors and ambassadors to reorient them
with the CEO-management style. Businessmen and management professors are
brought in and handsomely paid to teach the provincial governors and ambassadors
about the CEO model. The three foreign lecturers brought in were: Deepak C.Jain,
the Dean of Kellogg School of Business Administration at Northwestern University,
William Cohen, former US Defence Secretary, and Thomas H. Davenport. It is
rumoured that each of them was paid 2.5 million baht for a two-hour lecture.
However, the list of lecturers whom the organisers did not invite is even more
interesting, for example Lee Kuan Yew and Henry Kissinger. Another key lecturer
was the Deputy Prime Minister Somldd Jatusripitak, who was a former lecturer
from the business school at the National Institute of Development Administration
(NIDA), Bangkok.