1. What did Claire do on her date?
a. She went to the movies.
b. She went to the disco hauz.
c. She walked on the seashore and watched the sunset.
____ 2. Why is Margaret upset?
a. She was not prepared for the date.
b. Steve was late for their date.
c. Steve forgot their dating place.
____ 3. What is Gladys probably going to do?
a. She will not go out with Ian.
b. Go out with Ian some other time.
c. Gladys will not talk to Ian anymore.
____ 4. What is Daisy probably going to do?
a. Go out with Ian on Sunday night.
b. Not go out with Ian.
c. She will tell Ian that she doesn’t like him.
____ 5. Why can't Chan go to the concert?
a. He is busy doing his project.
b. He has date with his friend.
c. He doesn’t have enough money