The students had to listen to the audio sounds on the CAMP course ware, and then they had to choose the suitable answer. The listening test was in a multiple choice format. The students’ production was tested by pronunciation test with 20 items of
40 points. The students were asked to read the words with the suitable stress and read
the sentences with the suitable intonation. The post-pronunciation test mean score was
73.07 higher than the pre-pronunciation test mean score of 41.47.
This difference was found to be significant at the level 0.05 level. For the third purpose, the questionnaire was constructed. There were 30 items which were divided into three parts as follows: 1) Part 1 asked about the students’ demographic data. 2) Part 2 asked about students’ experiential information about their English experience, music experience, and computer experience. 3) Part 3 asked about the students’ attitude toward the CAMP courseware. The questions in this part used Likert’s scale. The students’ attitude toward the CAMP courseware was found to be positive. The students can learn a lot from the CAMP courseware. Their expressed their opinions about the explanation of the content, the sequence, the lyrics and music could help them learn a lot. In addition, they were satisfied with the CAMP courseware. They felt that the lessons made them learn well and they also thought that the exercises helped them to have self-confidence about using English suprasegmentals.