The present research work proposes an original
integrated design method for robotic machining workcells.
The overall workcell design process results efficient
and enables a fast system reconfiguration, guaranteeing
workcell safety and reliability.
The integration of different techniques exploits both the
potentialities of robot off-line programming and 3D CAD/CAE simulation, allowing the evaluation of
alternative design solutions and working scenarios, to
deliver an optimized system with enhanced machining
accuracy, even without external devices and expensive
advanced technologies.
Due to the importance of the robot workcell alignment
for high quality machining, great attention has been paid
to defining on-line software procedures applied to tailored
robust measuring system for an effective use of OLP to
reach the tolerance conformity and the final quality.
The method has been successfully followed in a real
case-study, characterized by heavy machining conditions
due to hard material, big dimensions and weight. The
present case-study represents one of the first robotic high
quality machining applications in Italy.
The ongoing research work will investigate engineering
methods and techniques to further enhance robot
accuracy in machining. The next goal is to make this
technology suitable for other application fields, like
machining operation for automotive, aerospace or for
other cast parts with even smaller geometrical and shape