all our seas and oceans are polluted,but t6he barents and more kara seas,south of the arctic ocean,are more polluted than all the is amazing how much waste has been dumped there. it is known that 14 nuclear reactors,one nuclear submarine with fuel and thousands of barrels of chemicals have been sunk there it s not certain what this has done to the environment, but norwegian scientists believe that in some places there is enough radioactive material in the arctic food chain to destroy whole families of sea life.when certain gases mix with water in the atmosphere,they become acid rain.this can kill forests hundreds of miles away from the factories that make the gases.then nothing can grow innthe soil.apart from acid rain the earth is also polluted by the chemicals that come from some old factories.lead is one of the very dangerous metals we eat. when these vegetables are eaten,the lead in them stays in the body and is particularly danggerous for children.just saying you are pollution is not enough.everyone must do something to protect the environmment.clean up the world is an organization that works with the united has groups in many countries,including greece. clean up greece has an office in athens and has been working to save the environment since 1993.through education clean up greece tells companies,the government and the public especially young people about the different ways to protect the environment, the idea is that today , children,who will become tomorow ,s decision-makers, will know what to do to prevent the destruction of our surroundings.