Job Description:
• 1) Raises bees to produce honey and pollinate crops: Assembles beehives, using handtools.
• 2) Arranges with sellers for purchases of honeybee colonies.
• 3) Inserts honeycomb of bees into beehive or inducts wild swarming bees into hive of prepared honeycomb frames.
• 4) Places screen plug in hive entrance to confine bees and sets hive in orchard, clover field, or near other source of nectar and pollen.
• 5) Forces bees from hive, using smoke pot or by placing carbolic acid soaked pad over hive to inspect hive and to harvest honeycombs.
• 6) Scrapes out parasites, such as wax moth larvae, and removes vermin, such as birds and mice.
• 7) Collects royal jelly from queen bee cells for sale as base for cosmetics and as health food.
• 8) Destroys superfluous queen bee cells to prevent division of colony by swarming.
• 9) Destroys diseased bee colonies, using cyanide gas.
10) Burns hive of diseased bee colony or sterilizes hive, using caustic soda solution.
• 11) Uncaps harvested honeycombs and extracts honey.
• 12) Arranges with buyers for sale of honey.
• 13) May cultivate bees to produce bee colonies and queen bees for sale and be designated Bee Producer; Queen Producer.