Future plans can be made using this SBAR patient handoff tool in expanded areas
such as the Critical Care Transport Teams (CCATT) and MEDEVAC units. The CCATT
Flight Commander involved in the military training event expressed a great deal of
interest in the SBAR tool and would like to see it incorporated into the CCATT realm.
By expanding it to the AF’s sister-service AE components, this could potentially improve
patient safety across the entire Department of Defense.
A request has been made to make the form available with demographics already
autopopulated when printing out the patient movement request in TRAC2ES. This will
coax the user into using the form since it will print out with the record automatically.
Furthermore, incorporating the form into the AE electronic health record that is currently
being beta tested in certain areas of responsibility is also currently being developed. This
is being designed to autopopulate the most current data (i.e. vital signs, treatments
rendered, etc.) to the form, therefore minimizing the amount of error in double
documentation or transcription.