This research is conducted through quasi - experimental research methodology. The purpose is to study the anxiety of parents of
children with autism and to compare pre-and post the results of group counseling. The target groups in this research are parents
of children with autism from the Autistic Research Center and Khon Kaen Autism Parents Association. The representative
sample populations are the parents of children with autism from Autistic Research Center and Khon Kaen Autism Parents
Association who answered the anxiety questionnaires and volunteers conducted the group counseling. The total sampled
population is 20 people divided into two groups, a control group and a sample group. The assessment instruments used in this
research are the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) from Steilberger’s questionnaires and the program of group counseling, the
Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed- Ranks Test and The Mann – Whitney U Test. Results of this research after group counseling
intervention showed a decreased level of anxiety in the parents of children with autism with a statistical significance of .05.