Psychosocial and educational interventions in latent phase or early labour for improving birth outcomes [Cochrane Protocol]
Review question(s)
To investigate the effectiveness of psychosocial and educational interventions for women in the latent phase of labour.
In order to measure the effectiveness of the intervention, we will compare the duration of labour, the rate of obstetrical interventions, or the rate of other maternal or neonatal outcomes.
All references to appendices are to those in the full protocol on the Cochrane Library.
Electronic searches
We will contact the Trials Search Co-ordinator to search the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group’s Trials Register.
The Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group’s Trials Register is maintained by the Trials Search Co-ordinator and contains trials identified from:
monthly searches of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL);
weekly searches of MEDLINE (Ovid);
weekly searches of Embase (Ovid);
monthly searches of CINAHL (EBSCO);
handsearches of 30 journals and the proceedings of major conferences;
weekly current awareness alerts for a further 44 journals plus monthly BioMed Central email alerts.
Details of the search strategies for CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase and CINAHL, the list of handsearched journals and conference proceedings, and the list of journals reviewed via the current awareness service can be found in the ‘Specialized Register’ section within the editorial information about the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group.
Trials identified through the searching activities described above are each assigned to a review topic (or topics). The Trials Search Co-ordinator searches the register for each review using the topic list rather than keywords.
In addition, we will search and the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) for unpublished, planned and ongoing trial reports (for planned search strategy, please see Appendix 1).