Linkages from global review of BAPs/BATs to the programmes currently being implemented by the COAST Project in its Demonstration Sites includes: (a) strength of process from the project inception onwards through a robust participatory road mapping exercises of the thematic areas (i.e. thematic project briefs, activity proposals and planning exercises); (b) strong governance and institutional mechanisms through the projects structures involving a regional Steering Committee and a local Demonstration Site Management Committee; (c) the importance of “champions” and leaders in the projects through capacity building and skills training and; (d) cost-benefit analysis for monetary investment to emphasize environment-economy linkage through baselines studies (i.e. value chain analysis in Ecotourism prior to ST-EP implementation, Environmental Management Accounting and Cleaner Production Assessment in the TEST Methodology and reef check and reef recreation activity survey).
It is also important to note that a long term focus for the case studies were evident. Sustainability for case studies with private enterprises was increased by linkages to markets. This is being address through a tripartite partnership with the government, civil society and private sector involvement and networking within the COAST Project. Induction of BAPs/BATs through practical examples is also important in facilitating consultative collation of potential activities for implementation. Visualization and defining the possible impacts, partnerships and sustainability within local perspectives have been vital in engaging stakeholders to participate in successful case studies. This is being addressed through the mapping component of the RMRM theme.
However, further monitoring and evaluation needs to be done to be able to replicate these BAPs/BATs within each country, where local realities greatly affect the success of a practice. Also, through the completion of the COAST project in 2014, more valuable information will have been gathered as lessons learned and results that may contribute to strengthen the linkage between the three COAST thematic areas and the reduction of LBPs.