“Good evening to you, too! Is Mr. Hues there?” said the officer.
“This is he.” Replied Justin.
“Mr. Hues, we received an anonymous tip that you were harboring packets of cocaine and I have a search warrant to search your residence.” Explained the officer as he showed the signed warrant.
“Cocaine?!” exclaimed Justin. “S***! Where the f*** did you get that?”
“Just like I said Mr. Hues, it came from an anonymous tip.”
Justin was worried and in shock. Why would anyone say something like that especially to the cops? He even wondered who would tell the police that he had drugs in his home (if he had any). “Why me?” he asked himself. He never came close to using or even see ounces of cocaine.
“Mr. Hues? Are still there?”
“Yeah. I’m still here.”
“Would you mind opening the door? It will be really bad for everyone, especially you, if you resist letting us in. Plus, we wouldn’t want to disturb the neighbors.”
Justin was smart and he knew that it wouldn’t be wise if he would not allow to the police to search his house because it could lead him to jail. “Okay, officer but I would like to see your badge first.” The officer reached for his pocket and took out his badge. He instantly showed it to Justin. Once it was shown, Justin opened the door and told the officer, “Okay. Come in, officer.”
The police officer went inside. He reached for his mobile radio near his left shoulder and held it with his right hand. “Hope you don’t mind if we wait? I have to call in my team from down stairs to investigate.”
“Not at all, officer.” Assured Justin.
The cop closed the door behind him. “The guys will radio in on me once they’re at your door.” He said with an assuring smile. “While we wait for them to arrive, let’s have a little chat in your living room. I have more questions to asks.”
Justin, followed by the cop behind him walked across the hallway and headed for Justin’s living room. Justin wondered what kind of questions the cop might ask him so he had the guts to ask him, “What kind of questions of----”
Justin’s question was immediately cut short as the police officer grabbed him from behind. He used his left arm to put Justin in a choking hold. They both struggled as one was trying to subdue his victim while the other is trying to get himself free. Justin, who was stronger and bigger than the cop, almost broke free but he suddenly felt weak as he felt a painful prick on his neck. It turns out, the officer injected him with a syringe filled with a neon purple colored liquid inside it.