The Qur'an which we consider as a reference point in any discussion about Islam also proves thatthe human being ( insan ) is the main driving force in the management of the affairs of the world with all its contents. God in chapter 2 verse 30 says: " Waiz kala Rabbuka lilmalai kati inn i Ja'ilun fi ardhi khalifah ", which means when your Lord said to the angels, " Verily, I am going to make humans being as rulers (Caliphs) on the earth ” (al-Qur‟an: 2:30). From this verse it is clearly shown that the humans being ( Insan ) have important duties and responsibilities in the world, that is to act or function as representative of God ( Khalifah ), responsible for managing and prospering the universe for the benefit of the public. The endowment of intellect given to humans being ( Insan ) makes them the most superior beings amongst all of God's creation, thus making them as the only beings ready to become a trustee of God on earth. Because of this, humans being ( Insan ), in the Islamic perspective, are people who have superior personality, with the mastery of knowledge and skills in the context of the duties and responsibilities entrusted to the representative of God for the prosperity of society and also for the management of the whole universe, as mentioned in chapter 12 verse 61: " Huwa Ansya akum Minal-Ardhi Waasta'marakum Fiha ", which means: "He (God) that makes you from the earth and settled you therein."(al-Qur‟an. 12:61