the Vihanti area contains reflective structures and
lithological contacts of grossly differing lengths and varying dips. Preservation
and enhancement of complicated, non-continuous reflections
through the various processing steps is a complex and time consuming
task. The commercially processed HIRE-dataset from Vihanti is of good
quality and provides important new information about areal structures.
However, seismic images can often be further improved
through reprocessing by customized selection of parameters and by
using sophisticated processing tools (e.g. Cheraghi et al., 2011; Ehsan et
al., 2012; Koivisto et al., 2012; Malehmir and Bellefleur, 2009, 2010;
Malinowski and White, 2011). Even if the preliminary processing fails
to meet all challenges, the resulting seismic images provide the necessary
basic information on the geology of the area. Our experience is
that no single optimal processing sequence applies for seismic reflection data in hard rock areas, or even for data from one mining site. Preliminary
processing focuses reprocessing efforts on specific locations, for example
near exploration targets or on a line that is most important for
understanding areal geology.
the Vihanti area contains reflective structures andlithological contacts of grossly differing lengths and varying dips. Preservationand enhancement of complicated, non-continuous reflectionsthrough the various processing steps is a complex and time consumingtask. The commercially processed HIRE-dataset from Vihanti is of goodquality and provides important new information about areal structures.However, seismic images can often be further improvedthrough reprocessing by customized selection of parameters and byusing sophisticated processing tools (e.g. Cheraghi et al., 2011; Ehsan etal., 2012; Koivisto et al., 2012; Malehmir and Bellefleur, 2009, 2010;Malinowski and White, 2011). Even if the preliminary processing failsto meet all challenges, the resulting seismic images provide the necessarybasic information on the geology of the area. Our experience isthat no single optimal processing sequence applies for seismic reflection data in hard rock areas, or even for data from one mining site. Preliminaryprocessing focuses reprocessing efforts on specific locations, for examplenear exploration targets or on a line that is most important forunderstanding areal geology.
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