Although they acknowledge Durkheim’s important
contributions, some critics note that his emphasis
on societal stability, or the “problem of order”—how
society can establish and maintain social stability and
cohesiveness—obscured the subjective meaning that
individuals give to social phenomena such as religion,
work, and suicide. From this view, overemphasis on
structure and the determining power of “society”
resulted in a corresponding neglect of agency (the
beliefs and actions of the actors involved) in much of
Durkheim’s theorizing (Zeitlin, 1997
Although they acknowledge Durkheim’s importantcontributions, some critics note that his emphasison societal stability, or the “problem of order”—howsociety can establish and maintain social stability andcohesiveness—obscured the subjective meaning thatindividuals give to social phenomena such as religion,work, and suicide. From this view, overemphasis onstructure and the determining power of “society”resulted in a corresponding neglect of agency (thebeliefs and actions of the actors involved) in much ofDurkheim’s theorizing (Zeitlin, 1997
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