(For entrants from outside Hong Kong)
Prizes include US$1,000 cash and a free trip to Hong Kong
Deadline: 30 April 2015
We cordially invite your students to participate in the International Students’ Visual Arts Contest-cum-Exhibition of Hong Kong – Photograph (HKISAC) 2015. The theme of this year’s HKISAC is “Harmony”.
Hong Kong is a cosmopolitan city keen on developing arts and culture, and promoting creative industries. Nurturing students’ creativity and art abilities therefore plays a significant role in school education. The Education Bureau (EDB) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of The People’s Republic of China Launched the HKISAC jointly with Po Leung Kuk (one of the major charitable and education organizations in Hong Kong) in 2010. The HKISAC of the past years were so successful that thousands of young people’s high quality artworks were submitted from more than 40 countries all over the world, culminating in the Prize Presentation and Opening Ceremony of the exhibition in which the Hong Kong Grand Prize winners from various countries were invited to Hong Kong to share the joy and success of this significant international are education event (Please see enclosed photos).
As you are very enthusiastic educators who care about students’ whole person development, we would like to seek your help and support of delivering the message of the HKISAC 2015, and encouraging your students, as well as the students of other schools in your region to participate in this meaningful international creative art contest.
Brief information of the HKISAC 2015 is as follows: