Dannanapeta Megalithic Site near to Amadalavalasa town in Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh has a unique and large megalithic complex, which includes a large dolmen, many small cists and innumerable post holes and menhirs. The dolmen is one of the biggest in dimensions, the single capstone on the dolmen weighs up to 50 tonnes and the entire complex makes an extremely interesting and valuable heritage site.
As per historians, these megaliths can be dated back between (1000 BCE to 500 BCE), post holes around the dolmens suggest that this place suggests a memorial or worshiping center by the Iron Age man.Small caves which were used for habitation by the Iron Age man were also explored here at Dannanapeta. These caves would have been later occupied by Jain monks between (1st CE to 2nd CE), as the traces of rock beds in the caves and water troughs were observed on the surface of the caves. Prehistoric Rock shelters were also observed here at Dannanapeta.