The determination of Exserohilum turcicum virulence factors
and resistance responses of three sets of maize inbred lines (four
differential, eight isogenic and 22 commercial inbreeds) to three isolates
of this pathogen under greenhouse conditions were studied. The maize
inbreeds were selected according to previous testing of resistance based
on lesion types in 194 inbreeds under field conditions of plant inoculation
with the E. turcicum race 0 (designated as the isolate MRI-Et). The
standard procedure was applied to obtained isolates MRIZP-1747 and
MRIZP-1416 from resistant and susceptible lesion types, respectively.
These lesions were developed on the same leaf of a plant of the
experimental hybrid no. 163/99 grown in a nursery at Zemun Polje during
1999. The third isolate (MRIZP-1435) was isolated from a leaf sample
originating from the location of Srbobran in which the occurrence of
northern corn leaf blight (NCLB), caused by Exserohilum turcicum, was
intensive. Based upon virulence/avirulence of three isolates of E. turcicum