an intensive exercise session is fluid, not
fat. If you are exercising continuously
and intensely for longer than an hour,
choose a sports drink which contains
6 to 8% carbohydrate and some electrolytes
(sodium and potassium). After
one hour, your body needs the extra carbohydrate
for energy, and the sodium in
the drink enhances fluid consumption
and retention.
Tips on Tap
• Have a glass or two of water after
drinking beverages containing caffeine,
such as coffee, tea, chocolate
drinks, and some soft drinks. The
caffeine in these fluids acts as a
d i u retic which dehydrates yo u r
• Re a l i ze that the recommendation of
10-13 cups (80-100 oz.) of water or
other non-caffeinated beverages a day
is an average value. Your need for
water varies depending on activity
l e vel, climate, temperature, and types
of food and beverages consumed.
• Drink a glass of water with every
meal. Ask for water at restaurants if
it is not served.