The bioenergetics fish growth model of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) cultured in the cages in wastewater oxidation pond is presented. The oxidation pond is located in the very successful project area “The Leam Phak Bia Environmental Study Research and Development Project under Royal Initiatives Petchaburi Province” in Thailand. There are five oxidation ponds connected in series in the research area. The measurement of Nile tilapia growth is taken in the third pond in which the water quality is in the effluent standard. The water quality and fish weight are measured in each month for one year period. The fish growth model in the form of ordinary differential equation is introduced to understand the behavior of fish growth due to various environmental factors which are dissolved oxygen demand (DO), water temperature, concentration of plankton, ammonia and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). In this presented model, we have introduced a new form of food assimilation efficiency as a function of fish weight. It is found that the predicted fish weight obtained from the model is in good agreement with the measurements. Also, this presented model can be applied to predict the fish weight in a wastewater stabilization pond when environmental factors have been changed.