A History of The World Travel & Tourism Council
Since the initial discussions between industry CEOs in the late 1980s about establishing a forum for business leaders in Travel & Tourism to the way it is today, the World Travel & Tourism Council has chalked up many achievements and its role and activities have grown
signicantly. But its core mission remains the same - to raise awareness of the full economic and social impact and potential of Travel & Tourism.
The Authority on World Travel and Tourism
A History of the World Travel & Tourism Council
In the late 1980s a group of industry Chairs and CEOs, led by James Robinson III - then Chair-man and CEO of American Express - came to the realisation that, although Travel & Tourism was the largest industry in the world and the biggest provider of jobs, few in the industry, let alone within governments, were aware of this. There was no consolidated data, nor industry voice, through which to convey this
message to elected ofcials and
policy-makers. Indeed, Travel & Tourism was considered by many as frivolous or, at least, a `non-essential’ activity.