Look at the video and fill the missing parts.
A. Another book that has a big influence on how I push gardening is “Teaming with
Microbes” by Jett Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis. I have mentioned this book before in prior
videos And I’ve even gone in some detail. So today, 1…………………………………..
B. The central theme of this book is the best way to 2……………… and therefore your
garden is to promote the Soil
Food Web. The Soil Food Web
consists of millions of organisms
living in the soil. These
organisms 3…………………organic
matter and make the nutrients
in that matter available to plants.
According to Lowenfels and
Lewis, the best way to promote
the soil food web is the threepronged
approach of compost,
compost tea, and mulch.
C. Compost both
increases the population of 4………………………….. in the soil and increases the amount of
organic matter in the soil. Those beneficial microbes help breakdown the organic matter
and make the nutrients in the matter 5…………………………………..
D. The brewing process of compost tea takes the beneficial microbes in the compost
and dramatically increases their population by providing a 6……………………… like
unsulfured molasses and aeration. When you apply this tea to your garden, you
dramatically increase the population of these beneficial microbes in your garden and again,
as I have said before, these microbes help 7…………………………….. in your soil available to
E. And finally, mulch, among its many other benefits, provides the food source for
organism and again increase the amount of nutrients available to plants. I’ve been using
this three-pronged approach now for three years and haven’t purchased any soil
amendments or fertilizers during that time. And my garden is 8……………………………………….
F. So that, in a nutshell, is I have built my soil and
continue to have a healthy garden while not using
fertilizers or soil amendments. In the future, I’d like to
0 5 0 1 0 8 E n g l i s h f o r S c i e n c e s ( A g r i c u l t u r e s ) P a g e | 27
expand the pronged approach by growing more 9……………………………………, I’d also like to
grow more dynamic accumulators of soil nutrients, plants like Coltsfoot, Stinging Nettle,
Lamb’s Quarters and use these plants as mulch at my garden, taking advantage of the
nutrients they’ve accumulated and adding them to my garden beds. I hope you found this
video informative. Thank you very much for watching and until next time remember, you
can 10………………………………………………………