Reduce the picture size if it is too big
If you don’t have a personalized picture that is less than 30 KB, you can create one as follows:
1.Go to the website that has the picture that you want to use, and right-click Save As. Or, open the picture from your hard disk.
2.The picture must have an acceptable working area, which is approximately 1 to 1.5 inches square. To achieve this, right-click the picture, and then click Open with, select a program (Windows Photo Viewer is good). Drag the corners until you have the required size (that is, 1 to 1.5 inches square for the area you want to use, which is typically only your face).
3.Now you need to snip out only the area of the picture you want. Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Snipping Tool.
4.In the Snipping Tool, click New, and then click Rectangular Snip.
5.Using the Snipping Tool, select the area that you want to include in the picture (typically only your face), click File, and then click Save As. Make sure to select JPG as the file type.
6.Save the file to a location on your computer, such as My Pictures.
7.Check the size of the newly saved picture to make sure that it’s less than 30 KB. If it is larger than 30 KB, either be sure that your picture on screen is smaller or snip a smaller portion of the picture.