The clinical studies reviewed above have generally
assessed the efficacy of products containing plantderived
products. However, the safety and possible
side-effects of such products must also be considered.
Indeed, these issues have recently been reviewed by
Groppo et al. [35] in relation to natural products used in
dentistry. In agreement with other studies of the clinical
use of natural products, we propose that there is limited
information available about the quality, safety and
efficacy of herbal products used in dentistry. Given the
possibility of adverse interactions between herbal
formulations with conventional drugs, caution should
be exercised when using herbal medicines and the need
for more clinical studies is recommended. This review
also recommends the use of herbal products in other
segments of dentistry, as endodontic irrigation and
anti-inflammatory agents.
The clinical studies reviewed above have generallyassessed the efficacy of products containing plantderivedproducts. However, the safety and possibleside-effects of such products must also be considered.Indeed, these issues have recently been reviewed byGroppo et al. [35] in relation to natural products used indentistry. In agreement with other studies of the clinicaluse of natural products, we propose that there is limitedinformation available about the quality, safety andefficacy of herbal products used in dentistry. Given thepossibility of adverse interactions between herbalformulations with conventional drugs, caution shouldbe exercised when using herbal medicines and the needfor more clinical studies is recommended. This reviewalso recommends the use of herbal products in othersegments of dentistry, as endodontic irrigation andanti-inflammatory agents.
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