Policy regarding to New VIP and existing VIP menbers
Question 1: If Non-HK people sign up as VIP before 2015 in Hong Kong, could they still sponsor people in Hong Kong and also use the VIP code to do the inter-sponsor to other people in other country even after 2015.
Ben: After 2014, existing VIP still able to sponsor HK citizen and international sponsor to other people ( If #2 are request platinum and passed test from Amway) which following their respective country local law and policy .
Question 2: If current Non-HK VIP want to upgrade to IBO after 2015, what are the conditions?
Ben: (1) He/She must be HK citizen (2) If the first Amway Business. He/she must hold other country passport holders ( except China) with local address proof (3) For existing Distributor would like to open his/her second Amway Business #2, he/she must be a Platinum and passed the Mutilp. business test from their home market.
Question 3: Can Non-HK people sign up as VIP after 2015?
Ben: “Officially, only HK citizen are allowed to sign up as distributor/VIP. However, all VIP sign up policy is the same as current. No change after 2015