Water color
In past, durability and combination of water color are easy to change when they receive a large amount of light until 20th century water color has been developed to be more durable. Nowadays, water color is develop to become permanent and colorful.
Characteristic of water color
The notable characteristic of water color is “transparent”. During painting water color use a brush touch color and fuse with water only once. Avoid to repaint water color because it will make color drop and lack of transparent.
Normal quality of water color
Transparent quality
Because water color has glue and crushed color matter as a composition, therefore; painting in white paper (or soft color paper) makes color matter not too thick and transparent. Water color painting technique is painting only once, should not repaint because it will make color drop, slough off or usually call failed.
Soft quality
When painting water color, solvent is water which control water to mix with color and blend together, between water and color. After painting, character of color that dry in paper always seem wet. In some case, if using color that is wet and dry and let them dry, it will appear “sfumato” which is specific characteristic of water color.
Water color has sudden-dry quality
Comparing with other types of water such as oil color, water color has different painting technique because water color is dry quicker than oil color. The way to control is rather to be different, but not always. Some time it depends on practicing and understanding.