MESH CURRENT METHOD COMPARED —---------------------------------
The analysis o f a complex circuit can usually be accomplished by either the node voltage or the mesh
current method. The advantage o f using these methods is the systematic procedures provided for
obtaining the simultaneous equations.
In some cases, one method is clearly preferred over another. For example, when the circuit contains
only voltage sources, it is probably easier to use the mesh current method. When the circuit contains only
current sources, it will usually be easier to use the node voltage method.
If a circuit has both current sources and voltage sources, it can be analyzed by either method.
One approach is to compare the number of equations required for each method. If the circuit has fewer
nodes than meshes, it may be wise to select the node voltage method. If the circuit has fewer meshes
than nodes, it may be easier to use the mesh current method.
Another point to consider when choosing between the two methods is what information is
required. If you need to know several currents, it may be wise to proceed directly with mesh current
analysis. Remember, mesh current analysis only works for planar networks.
It is often helpful to determine which method is more appropriate for the problem requirements
and to consider both methods.