No absolute results can be obtained with SIENA, however,
because as a simulation of a typical urban area it is not universal
and directly representative of every real-world setting. Instead
results need to be interpreted as being indicative of what is likely to
happen in the real world. SIENA allows problems to be defined or
highlighted which, in consequence, can be more specifically
addressed when translated into a real-world setting. The same
problem is inherent in all prognostic health risk or impact assessments,
for these are based not on predictions of what will happen,
but on scenarios of what might happen. In the same way, these
scenarios are indicative of a number of plausible states, none of
which is likely to represent exactly the actual situation in a specific
No absolute results can be obtained with SIENA, however,because as a simulation of a typical urban area it is not universaland directly representative of every real-world setting. Insteadresults need to be interpreted as being indicative of what is likely tohappen in the real world. SIENA allows problems to be defined orhighlighted which, in consequence, can be more specificallyaddressed when translated into a real-world setting. The sameproblem is inherent in all prognostic health risk or impact assessments,for these are based not on predictions of what will happen,but on scenarios of what might happen. In the same way, thesescenarios are indicative of a number of plausible states, none ofwhich is likely to represent exactly the actual situation in a specificarea.
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