ROLE OF THE ENERGY SAVER ( of Energy Saver F1)
Three roles of Energy Saver F1 are stabilizing and improving the efficiency of electricity.
This technology is to reduce consuming current (KWH current per hour) depends on the amount used of
electricity. It makes working voltage and current flow stay on the optimum condition if necessary.
Energy Saver F1은saves extra electricity while current is flowing or lots of appliances are working. So, the
unconsumed loss power or supplied amount of electricity can be reduced by simple installation of Energy Saver
F1. Energy Saver F1 은will not let you even change your habits for saving electricity but possible to improve. More than 10 seconds of
electricity will be accumulated to do a role of voltage safety device. Even though the electricity use is peak, it delivers the accumulated
and stable voltage. For above reasons, electric appliances you are using get longer life.
Energy Saver F1 supplies you optimized condition with excellent technology and simple installation.