South and southern Africa are currently facing a major skills shortage in the applied earth sciences, particularly in the minerals industry and in the environmental field. This paper offers outlines of course curricula, developed in South Africa, which are designed to meet these needs.
It is argued that insufficient time is devoted to applied geology in degree courses in South Africa and that appropriate specialisations should be introduced into the third and fourth years of Earth Science degrees. More detailed specialisation should be offered at master's level. Examples of such courses currently run in South Africa are cited.
The important contribution of the earth sciences to contemporary environmental issues is stressed and the need for environmental geologists emphasised. It is argued that the huge amount of information essential to environmental geology requires postgraduate level teaching of this subject. An example of such a master's level course is taken from a course planned at the University of the Witwatersrand.
Courses similar to those being developed in southern Africa need to be developed in other African regions.