4.1. Falls
Falls are the most common office accident, accounting for the greatest number
of disabling injuries.
One of the most common causes of office falls is tripping over an open desk or
file drawer. Bending while seated in an unstable chair and tripping over
electrical cords or wires are other common hazards. Office falls are frequently
caused by using a chair or stack of boxes in place of a ladder and by slipping
on wet floors. Loose carpeting, objects stored in halls or walkways, and
inadequate lighting are other hazards that invite accidental falls.
Fortunately, all of these fall hazards are preventable.
The following checklist can help stop a fall before it happens;
4.1.1. Be sure the pathway is clear before you walk.
4.1.2. Close drawers completely after every use.
4.1.3. Avoid excessive bending, twisting, and leaning backward while seated.
4.1.4. Secure electrical cords and wires away from walkways.
4.1.5. Always use a stepladder for overhead reaching. Chairs should never
be used as ladders.
4.1.6. Clean up spills immediately.
4.1.7. Pick up objects co-workers may have left on the floor.
4.1.8. Report loose carpeting or damaged flooring to the OHS Manager
4.1.9. Never carry anything that obscures your vision.
4.1.10. Wear stable shoes with non-slip soles.