A New Prince!
It is the evening of 2 1 June 1982 - th e first day of
summer. Newspaper and tele vision reporters near the
doors of St Mary s Hospital in Paddington, London,
talk qui ckly into th eir telephones.
'It's a boy ... Yes! ... Princess Dian a has a little
boy ... at 9.03 this evening ... England has a new
prince! ... Yes, and mother and child are well ... We're
waiting to see Prince Charles ... '
At eleven o'clock that night, Prince Charles - the
Prince ofWales - comes out of the hospital. He answers
question s from th e reporters about his new SOI L
'He has blue eyes,' Prince Charles says. 'He and his
mother are very well.They're coming home tomorrow.'
'What's his name ?' the reporter s want to kn ow.
Prince C harles smiles. 'We don't know,' he says.
'We're thinking about it .'
Charles likes the name Art hur, but Dia na does not.
She wants William. A week later, the repo rters have
th eir answer:William Arthur Philip Loui s. His mother's
name for him is 'Wills'.
Early Days
Prin ce Charles wants Mabel Anderson to be Prince
William's nanny. She was Prince C harles's nanny years
before. Prin cess Diana says no. She do esn't want an old
person .They give th e job to Barbara Barn es.
Prin cess Diana is a very loving mother. She likes
having William near her. and her bedroom at Kensington